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love happens …

February 14, 2014

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This post was going to be one of two things.

A snarky comment to all valentine-haters (you know who they are), and what a waste of energy it is to be grumpy about life. 

I had a whole love poem written—trying my best to capture what LOVE means… tall order.

But then, life happened, and just in the last three days I’ve been shown many ways love happens in our lives—both directly or indirectly.

Love happens in loss.
Love happens in sharing.
Love happens in laughter.
Love happens in tears.
Many, many tears.
Love happens in a smile.
Love happens in a “How are you doing?” and have someone wait for the answer.
Love happens in the support you get from those you love, and who love you.
Love happens in the quiet moments you open your heart, and allow all that light you’ve been trying to keep away, to just come inside and fill you up.

For me, love happens in prayer.
It happens when I allow Jesus to guide me.
It happens when I surrender it all to Him.
It happens when I question something, and He responds in the sweetest ways—never with harsh tones, but through the most gorgeous encounters with people in my life.
That’s what love is to me.

So whichever your definition or state of love is today, this week, this month… know that you are loved. You are loved.

You are so loved, my darling.


Johnny Flynn — Einstein’s Idea (A lullaby he wrote for this little boy, Gabriel.) 

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